Hydrophil Conjac Sponge


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Our Konjac sponge - made from konjac root - is ideal for gentle cleansing, peeling and massage of your skin. It provides moisture and helps due to its alkaline property with acne-prone skin.

Because of its naturalness and particularly soft, gentle surface the sponge can also excellently be used for washing toddlers & infants.


During production, the root of the konjac plant is grounded into flour. The resulting white konjac flour is mixed with water and baked in the oven to a sponge. In Japan, the Konjac sponge has been used daily to wash the face for over 1500 years, while in Korea it is traditionally reserved for baby care.


Simply moisten the Konjac sponge with water and massage your body and/or face in circular movements.

Our Konjac sponge is waterneutral, vegan, fair traded and plastic free.

Hydrophil Conjac Sponge

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